Culture Terms Part 5: Culture Roadmap

Culture Roadmap

The Culture Roadmap forms the foundation for further systematic culture development within the company. It shows how the three culture directions and the underlying fields of action are to be implemented in the form of individual, collective and system-wide measures. The Culture Roadmap is drawn up by key people of the company.

Behavioral Descriptions

We derive desired behaviors from each culture direction. These provide managers and employees with guidance in their day-to-day work and in their individual development and form the foundation for the realignment of the employee journey (HR cycle).

Culture Hacks

Culture hacks are all (decentralized) actions by managers and employees that aim to change the culture in their immediate environment in line with the culture target image. Ideally, they have an immediate effect, arouse people's emotions and require little time and resources.

In concrete terms: A top executive who was responsible for a cost-cutting program at a major Swiss bank hacked the culture by saying that he would only fly coach class in future. The hack sparked a wild debate about cost-benefit ratios and had a positive impact on the cost awareness of people in the company.

Direction-specific Measures

These centrally implemented measures are aimed at establishing the defined culture target image in the company. To this end, managers and employees are informed, inspired, supported and empowered regarding the cultural pattern to be developed.

In concrete terms: Pronounced silo thinking in a company usually indicates unclear common goals. This is where a "contribution chain" can help as a measure. The basic idea is, that each department and team reflect its contribution to the whole. Direction-specific culture measures relate either to the entire company, a division or a functional area. They are often organized or rolled out by the culture team.

Overarching Measures

Overarching culture measures aim to remove obstacles in form of culturally incompatible structures, processes, systems and tools. One focus here is on the HR cycle: if its components still incentivize the "old world", they must be questioned and aligned with the new cultural target image.

Culture Waves

In our practice, systematic culture development in form of three waves has proven its worth. The culture directions are addressed one after the other, for which direction-specific measures and culture hacks are suitable. We recommend a duration of around three months per wave. Overarching culture measures, especially work on the HR cycle, can be carried out in parallel.